Qualified Social Worker

Stockport council Adult social care REaCH Reablement service is looking for 1 FTE agency social worker initially funded until the 25/04/25 (with a possible extension) The SW will support the REaCH service to meet service demands through completion of carrying out reviews, care act assessments/ mental capacity assessments and progressing if they have eligible care act needs onto further long term commissionable services/ packages of care.Main Purpose of the JobTo work within a reablement team/ service to monitor service users progress and assess any ongoing needs. To hold a case load, cases will be held short termTo monitor prioritise and review your case loadKnowledge of Adult LawTo adhere to council policiesTo complete assessments under the Care Act 2014To complete formal mental capacity assessments when requiredRespond to statutory and non-statutory safeguarding concernsTo give information and advice and signpost to other agencies/ servicesTo work within a small social work team and support other colleaguesTo attend team meetings and any appropriate trainingTo network with other professionals and multi-agency working. To be confident in working with people living with risk and be flexible, resilient and creative.Work with people in a person-centred way to maximise their strengths and assetsContribute Social Work expertise to the wider Multi-Disciplinary Team/ REaCH service, to support SW apprentices, support with shadowing on visits.Mixture of home and office ..... full job details .....
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