Ecologist - Housing and Regeneration

4Recruitment Services are seeking an experienced Ecologist to work for a council based in Northwest London. The role sits within the Climate Change, Natural Resources and Strategy Division with close working with the Council s Planning Service. The services are part of the Housing and Regeneration Directorate. The post holder will be required to work with multi-disciplinary teams. The post also has strong links with the Public Realm service, jointly working on key Council owned sites as well as working with the wider community, interested volunteer groups and landowners. Purpose of the role: To take a key role in the conservation and enhancement of Harrow s biodiversity and approach to natural capital. To be responsible for the development, implementation, monitoring and review of the Council s approach to Biodiversity Net Gain (including identification and development of potential habitat banks) and relevant parts of the emerging Local Plan. To co-ordinate the borough s input into the London Local Nature Recovery Strategy and required actions. To provide advice on biodiversity, ecology and nature conservation issues affecting planning policy, development, land use, and to support implementation of the Council s Climate and Nature Strategy. To work collaboratively with other service areas, including parks and public realm management teams, and external partners (including Harrow Nature Conservation Forum) to ensure the effective management of key Council owned sites. To ..... full job details .....
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