Job Title: Head of Marketing / Senior Marketing Manager - Nature Research Intelligence and Nature Masterclasses (B2B)Location(s): London, Germany (Heidelberg/Berlin)Application Deadline: 12th December 2024About Springer Nature Group Springer Nature opens the doors to discovery for researchers, educators, clinicians and other professionals. Every day, around the globe, our imprints, books, journals, platforms and technology solutions reach millions of people. For over 180 years our brands and imprints have been a trusted source of knowledge to these communities and today, more than ever, we see it as our responsibility to ensure that fundamental knowledge can be found, verified, understood and used by our communities - enabling them to improve outcomes, make progress, and benefit the generations that follow. Visit and for more information.About the RoleThis role leads marketing strategy for Springer Nature''s high growth solution portfolios Nature Research Intelligence and Nature Masterclasses, as well as new future launches.The role holder will develop a clear understanding of the institutional and research management markets for these products, how and why purchasing decisions are made, what motivates key decision makers, and how marketing can successfully influence these decisions. They will develop and maintain a close working relationship with Sales and Product Management, whilst coordinating with Marketing Data/Technology and Marketing delivery teams to deliver targeted ..... full job details .....