About UsHarris Girls Academy Bromley is a school community where character and academic excellence are held in equally high regard. In 2023, Progress 8 was +0.97, 82% of the girls achieved a pass in English and Maths at GCSE and 71% of the girls achieved the challenging Ebacc (English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Modern Languages). These figures are all well above the national and borough averages. Our Progress 8 was in the top 100 in the country last year, and the academy was the only school from this group with a student body that has above average disadvantage, and below average EAL. Learning, curriculum, and pedagogy is exemplary.Although we believe that these results lead to a tangible improvement in the opportunities of our young people we are equally proud of the way we see our students conduct themselves in our classrooms and corridors on the day to day. In the commitment they demonstrate in the library and the drama studio, or in the resilience they demonstrate in the sports hall and the textiles room.We believe that we have built something special here through a leadership at all levels philosophy of constant improvement, and listening to our students, staff, and wider community. Main Areas of ResponsibilityAs Principal, you will need to provide the leadership and management necessary to secure high quality teaching and learning to raise standards of achievement.The Principal''s effective leadership will result in an academy where:There is a positive ethos that ..... full job details .....